Name: Savitari Devi Vidya Niketan
Account No: 82253070001840
Branch: Canara Bank, Punhana
IFSC Code: CNRB0018225
Name: Savitari Devi Vidya Niketan
Account No: 615001010050130
Branch: Union Bank of India, Palwal
IFSC Code: UBIN0561509
Admission Helpline No. – +91 99915 45505

About us
SDVN Sr. Sec. School, proudly operating under the esteemed Modish Group of Institutions, stands as the premier educational institution in Punhana city. Dedicated to shaping the future of students in District Mewat, SDVN offers a dynamic learning environment that is second to none. Affiliated with CBSE New Delhi (Affiliation No. 530660, School Code 20266), the school is renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and unwavering commitment to academic excellence. At SDVN, we empower students to excel and thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Principal Desk
There is a timeless Chinese adage that beautifully encapsulates the essence of long-term vision:
“When planning for a year, plant corn;
When planning for a decade, plant trees;
When planning for a lifetime, educate people.”
In today’s world, a school’s role goes far beyond merely imparting knowledge from textbooks. It is not just about teaching the prescribed curriculum; it is about preparing students for the world that lies beyond the classroom walls. A school’s true mission is to nurture and strengthen character—fortifying it to withstand the challenges of adulthood. It is about cultivating qualities of leadership and resilience, empowering students to use these skills to shape the future and create a lasting impact. Read More

Chairman Desk
It is universally acknowledged that educational institutions are temples of learning—places where minds are shaped and futures are forged.
I firmly believe that schools and colleges are not just stepping stones to securing a dream job, but also essential in shaping individuals of strong character, instilling values that guide them through life.
Students are the nation’s most valuable and creative assets, and their imagination holds the key to building a brighter, more prosperous future for our country. Their potential is limitless, and with the right guidance, they will lead the way towards greatness. Read More