SDVN School – Punhana

Principal’s Desk


There is an old Chinese adage:
When planning for a year, plant corn;
When planning for a decade, plant trees;
When planning for a life, educate people”

Today the role of a school is not only to impart knowledge that encompasses the prescribed syllabi of the institution but that if the world beyond the class room. it is the role of the school to built & strengthen character that will not crumble when tested in the crucible of adulthood & to develop qualities of good leadership that can be employed in the future for the creation of a superior nation.

Being a comparatively a new school, we have had to work very hard to be what we are today. I often tell our staff members & student’s “if you not number one – you have to strive hard”.

We had a humble beginning with 10 classrooms & 70 students but with hard work & dedication we have been able to giant strides. Today we have over 1200 students & one of most modern infrastructure. We can today boast one of the most modern Science labs, Library, computer labs, Activity rooms & smart classrooms. The school has also several classrooms to the present infrastructure. The school is now completely Wi-Fi enables & wireless internet connectivity available to all computers. We have installed large screen LCD Screen in our class rooms which make teaching & learning more interactive & exciting.

It is noteworthy that the school has received affiliation from CBSE to conduct classes 11th & 12th in Arts, Commerce, Science (Medical & Non- Medical). This was only possible due to the dedication of the management & staff who have worked of Zeal toward this end.

We at SDVN believe that technology should neither make students mere machines nor should they become slaves to machines. The human touch, the presence of a caring teacher is essential to make a positive impact on the inner world of each child.

Mrs. Archana Singh
M.A.(Eng.), B.Ed.
SDVN School